Liam Hemsworth was born on 13 January 1990 in Melbourne. 21 YO. He began his career in 2007 until now. He had been in five films, his first film is Knowing on 2009. And the second is Triangle on 2009 too. Then, The Last Song on 2010 that released on March 31. In this film, he became Will Blakelee that certainly love Miley Cyrus who called Ronie in that film. I really like this moviee;-) one of my favorites movie hohoho. His two next movie, were released on 2011. There are The Throwback and Arabian Nights. And the last fact of him, He won 3 awards in one year. And had been nominated 3 times in same year. OK, biar lebih jelas yg mana. INI DIAA LIAM HEMSWORTH.

My second future husband is MATT LANTER. Have been hear his name before? Yeaah~ He plays liam's character in 90210 in 2007 until noww. He was born on April 1 1983 in Massillon, Stark Country, Ohio. Besides 90210, he had appeared in more films. Like, Heroes, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Monk, Grey's Antomy, etc. HOAM nggak kalah ganteng sm liam, mari kita liat fotonya.

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