I like reading a book. Especially fantasy, and adventure book. I read two books recently. Dork diaries is one of them. It has two type. The first is a tales from a NOT-SO-Fabulous Life, and the second is a tales from NOT-SO-Popular Party Girl. It is about a girl named Nikki Maxwell who is in the 8th grader of WCD Middle School. She has two besties called Chloe and Zoey. If they want to tell something important to each other, they gathered at janitor's room. Brandon, he is Nikki's friend. Actually, he is not just a friend. Nikki secretly had a crush on him.
But, a mean girl called Mackenzie Hollister who has a locker next to Nikki's locker came and ruined every school things in her life. Mackenzie always try to humiliate Nikki in public. Not just that, she also try to steal Brandon from Nikki. Nikki always have a complicated trouble before she get an happy ending. It was such an exciting stories! If u want to know more about Nikki and her life, visit this http://www.dorkdiaries.com/books.html. After that, don't forget to say "I'M SUCH A DROK!!" in a loud voice. LOL wuahaha.